8. Her family

It seems like a lot of men aren’t too keen about meeting a girl’s family. They don’t want to be judged by her parents or siblings, and a lot of the time they’re scared of her father, understandably. But meeting them is inevitable if she and her family are close. Especially if you’re in a serious relationship. So instead of keeping her away from her folks every weekend, make plans to spend time with her and them. If you plan to get together with the people closest to her, it’ll show her that you care about what’s important. It also demonstrates that you want to be in a relationship with her for a long time, because if you’re making an effort to get to know her family, then she’ll know you genuinely want things to last.
Plus, it’s a selfless gesture on your part. She knows that there are other things like watching football, for instance, that you could be spending your weekend doing so. When you decide to make it about her interests now and then, she’ll truly appreciate it. But don’t think this isn’t beneficial to you. You can get to know more about your lady’s life, her hobbies and her interest. You might even be able to convince her mom to show you some embarrassing baby pictures. Finding out more about her should be engaging, and you’ll be enjoying yourself in no time.